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듀크 소식-출국 준비(4) 집 구하기


○…궁금한 점이 있거나 도움이 필요하면 메일(songmoon@donga.com)로 연락주세요.…○

해외연수를 다녀왔거나 준비중인 기자들에게 집 구하는게 큰 문제입니다. 현지에 도착하고 나서 마땅한 집을 찾지 못하면 호텔이나 개인적으로 아는 한국인 집에서 지내야 하는데 이게 보통 어려운게 아닙니다.

집은 가능한 출국 전에 알아보고 계약, 최소한 가계약을 하는게 좋습니다. 저는 미리 집을 정해 놓아서 공항 도착 직후 곧바로 집에 들어가 짐을 풀고 잤습니다. 다른 분들과 비교하면 큰 어려움없이 집을 구한 편인데 인터넷 덕분에 가능했습니다.

듀크대학을 연수기관으로 정한 뒤 집을 듀크대학 소재지인 더램(Durham)에 마련할지, 아니면 대학에서 20-30분 떨어졌지만 더램보다 살기 좋다는 채플힐(Chapel Hill)에 마련할지 고민하다 채플힐로 정했습니다.

더램과 채플힐 정보는 듀크대학 한국 학생회 홈페이지(www.duke.edu/DKSA)에서 구했습니다. ‘정착 정보’코너에서 개괄적 내용을 알아보고 ‘새소식’코너의 39번 글(Chapel Hill 지역정보) 38번 글(듀크대학 주변 아파트) 29번 글(노스 캐롤라이나 국립 초중등 학교 평균 성적)을 참고했습니다.

또 ‘게시판’코너의 339번 글(더램에 비지팅으로 오시는 분들께-아파트 학교 정보)이 도움이 됐는데 최근에 중앙대 김형국 교수님이 올린 689번 글(방문교수 아파트 구하기)을 참고하는게 좋습니다.

이런 방법으로 기본 정보를 찾아놓고 온라인 복덕방이라 할 수 있는 www.homestore.com에 접속했습니다. 초기 화면에 apartments & rentals 코너가 보여 거기를 클릭하고 search에서 Chapel Hill, North Carolina를 입력했습니다.

그리고 나서 한달 렌트비와 bed room 숫자를 선택하니 해당 아파트가 쫙 뜨더군요. view details를 클릭하면 침실, 화장실, 렌트비, 평수, 예치금, 아파트 구조 등의 내용을 알려 줍니다. virtual tour로 아파트 내부를 직접 봤구요.

미국 아파트는 단층과 복층 구조로 나뉘는데 저는 복층 구조를 원했습니다. 아래층에 거실, 부엌, 화장실, 벽난로, 2층에 침실 2개, 욕실, 화장실, 옷장이 있습니다. 각 가구마다 냉장고, 오븐, 세탁기, 건조기가 제공되고 공용으로 수영장, 테니스장, 농구장, 헬스시설을 갖췄지요.

미리 염두에 둔 아파트를 고르고 contact now를 눌러 이메일을 보낸게 7월 3일입니다. 남향 아파트(apartments facing the south)를 원한다고 얘기했습니다. 미국 사람들은 남향을 잘 안 따지지만 우리는 다르니까. Konglish가 많이 섞였음을 이해하고 읽어 주시길.

“I am a Korean journalist. I will visit Duke Univ as a visiting fellow, but want an apartment in Chapel Hill. I will arrive there 29 July 2001 and stay one year since then. So I am going to rent an unfurnished two-bed-room apartment facing the south, the first floor. I have two children, 10 and 7 years old. No pets. $800-900 in a month is the limit I can pay for rent.I think Shadowood or Brookstone apartments is possible candidate. Is there any available? Please reply as soon as possible. 82-011-9991-5217”

답장이 바로 오더군요. 8월과 10월은 렌트비를 반으로 깍아 주겠다며. “Dear Song, We would have some two bedrooms available for the time you were looking to move in. We have two types of two bedroom apartments. The document that I attached will have more information about both of them. We are running a special on the two bedroom apartments right now. The special is rent by Aug. 1 and get Aug. and Oct. half price. One more note is that we are located very near to the elementary school, your kids might like that. If you have any more questions please let us know. Lora Hancock, Leasing Consultant, Shadowood Apartments, 110 Piney Mountain Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, Phone: 919-967-0661, Fax: 919-942-6943”

다시 메일 송신. 남향을 원한다, 도착일에 바로 입주 가능한가, 8월과 10월 렌트비를 반으로 깍아준다는게 무슨 뜻인지 분명히 해달라고 물어봄. “Dear Lora Hancock, I received your e-mail and thank for kind explanation. I have some questions for Shadowood Apartments. I want an apartment(two bed room garden) facing the south because it is brighter than an apartment facing the east or north. Is there any available? And how much is the monthly fee exactly? I will arrrive there(RDU Airport) 29 July 2001. Can I enter the apartment that day? You said “We are running a special on the two bedroom apartments right now. The special is rent by Aug. 1 and get Aug. and Oct. half price.” What does it mean? Would you explain more specifically? How far is the elementary school by walk or by car from Shadowood Apartments? Would you send me more photos of Shadowood Apartments, especially showing around or outside of apartments? I look forward to your reply. Thanks. Song, Sang Keun”

이에 대해 팩스번호를 알려주면 서류를 보내 주겠다는 요지의 답장이 왔습니다. “Dear Song, We would have some available. The apartment price is dependent on which type of apartment you choose. Most likely it is going to be $845 a month. Let me know if you have a fax machine that way we could fax you the application. Otherwise we could mail it to you, the only problem is that this could take some time. Since you would like to move in by July 29, you would pay the pro-rated rent for that month of July and then your August and October would be $422.50 if your rent is $845. The elementary school is about a mile away and would take approximately 5 minutes by car. You can find a virtual tour that will give you more pictures of the outside of apartments at apartments.com. I hope that answers all of your questions.”

그쪽에서 팩스로 보낸 서류를 작성해 보내면서 보증금과 수속비는 현지 유학생이 대신 내줄 것이라고 말했죠. “Dear Lora Hancock, I received your fax very well and thank for kind explanation and map. I want an apartment, two-bedroom, garden, the ground floor facing the south. To make it sure, I marked the direction of the house I want on the picture you sent to me and faxed it to you. If there is any available, I want to reserve that asap. I will arrive RDU airport around 1600 on 29 July (Sunday) and want to move in the same day. I want to know How much holding fees is? After I receive your reply, I will fax the application form and some documents next week. I have no US social security number, US bank account, US driver’s license right now. That’s why I wil send a proof of financial support from my company and LG Press Foundation as credit references. Jinseog Yu, my friend studying there, will contact you and pay the security deposit and application fee and administrative fee for me. He lives in Durham and phone number is 919-489-1535. I am looking forward to your reply for confirmation. Thanks.”

제가 원하는 남향 아파트가 뭔지 분명히 해달라고 하더군요. “Dear Song, I am not sure which apartment you would like of the apartments that were available. If you could please could look at your map again and tell me which of them would be best for you. The one on the end of the 106 building is on the third floor(as in three floors starting with the first floor). Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks.”

그래서 어떤게 남향인지를 그려서 팩스로 보냈더니 다시 답장이 왔습니다. “Dear Song, After looking and looking at what apartments would be available we would only have one that faces directly south and it would be a 2 bedroom townhouse. The rent on the apartment would $904 a month, but you would still be getting the apartment 1/2 price for August and October. You can get the discount annualized. The rent for this apartment for a 10 month lease would be$813.60 a month. It would not be on the first floor, it would be on the second floor. I hope this will work for you. Please let me know as soon as possible. Sincerely,”

좋은 집 구해줘서 고맙고 니네 근무시간 끝난 뒤 도착하니까 한국 유학생에게 열쇠를 미리 맡기라고 말습니다. “Dear Lora, Thank for your kind help and explanation. Two bedroom townhouse facing directly south on the second floor and monthly rent would be $813.60 for a 10 month lease? I think the apartment you recommend is quite good. I sent the the application form and a proof of financial support from my company as credit references two times. LG Press Foundation will support my fellowship for one year. Don’t worry my credibility although I have no U.S. ssn, U.S.bank account, U.S. driver license ‘right now’. As I said several times, I want to move in the house on 29 July and want to live until the end of July, 2002. Jinseog Yu, my friend studying there, will contact you and pay the security deposit and application fee and administrative fee for me. His phone number is 919-489-1535. Would you let me know which building is reserved for me? I want a map from the RDU airport to apartment too. And one more, I will arrive at RDU airport around 1600 on 29 July. I think your office hour is over when my processing at airport is over and I arrive at Shadowood apartments. Then can you hand over a key to Jinseog Yu? I am looking forward to your reply by e-mail. Sincerely,”

한국 유학생하고 접촉해서 입주 준비를 다 해놓겠다, 가구를 렌트하고 싶으면 다시 알려달라는 내용의 메일이 7월 18일 왔습니다. “Dear Song, I got your last email and your fax came through alright. I will go ahead and reserve that 2 bedroom townhouse for you. Your rent will be $828.67 for a 12-month lease. I will get in contact with your friend today. It should be no problem for your friend to pick up the keys on July 29. I am not sure if I have asked you before, but will you need to rent furniture? It cost about $100 dollars extra a month to furnish the apartment. I got the copy of all the letters and we will use those as proof of legal status to be studying here. So right now you are set. As long as I can get in touch with your friend everything will be ready for you to move in the 29 of July. Again please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions and let me know if you need furniture. Thanks.”

첫 메일에서 마지막 메일까지 보름이 걸렸습니다. 제 가족은 현지 공항에 도착한 7월 29일 오후, 유학생에게서 열쇠를 받아 아파트에 들어가 이불깔고 편하게 잤습니다.