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듀크 소식-학업의 성패(2) 청강 신청


○…궁금한 점이 있거나 도움이 필요하면 메일(songmoon@donga.com)로 연락주세요.…○

학위 과정은 졸업에 필요한 학점을 따기 위해 자기가 수강신청을 하고 강의를 듣고 과제물을 제출하고 시험을 치르고 논문을 내야 합니다. 강의를 듣는건 학생의 의무이자 권리입니다.

반면에 비학위 과정은 강의를 꼭 들어야 할 의무가 없지만 반대로 자기 희망에 따라 강의를 들을 권리가 없습니다. 방문 연구원(Visiting Fellow) 자격으로 대학이나 대학원 강의를 들으려면 담당 교수의 양해를 구해야 합니다.

저는 대학에서 발행한 강의안내 책자와 인터넷 자료를 참고해 수강할 과목을 고른 뒤 담당 교수에게 E메일을 보냈습니다. 한국에서 온 기자이고 주요 경력은 어떠하며 당신 과목에 관심이 있으니 청강을 허용해 달라는 내용이었습니다. 샘플을 하나 볼까요.

Dear Susan Tifft,

I am happy to have an opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Sang-Keun Song, a visiting fellow of Duke University this year. I have worked for the Dong-A Ilbo Daily, an influential national press in Korea, with sister relationship with the New York Times since the 1970s.

I have covered the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of National Defense. Currently, I reported on the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

In ’99, I was the first Korean reporter to receive an official invitation from INTERFET(International Forces in East Timor). I stayed in East Timor for three weeks, reporting on the peacekeeping operations of Korean as well as international forces. I have written two books on transportation and education. I used to be a analyst for radio broadcast on traffic safety and military affairs for two years.

Since 1998, I have been appointed as the advisory commissioner for the Road Traffic Safety Authority under the National Police Agency, and the Transportation Safety Authority under the Ministry of Construction and Transportation.

After looking and looking for the courses, Investigative Journalism, of which you are the intsructor, is my first choice for auditing. I think this seminar is very useful to me.

I will do my best if you give me a chance to audit your course. I hope you take a kind consideration and look forward to your positive answer. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

이런 형식의 메일에 대해 교수들은 대부분 호의적 반응을 보이며 청강을 허용했습니다.

<사례1> Thank you for your recent email. I would be happy to have you audit my course on investigative journalism. Why don’t you come to the first class meeting this Monday, Aug. 27, get the handouts and reading assignments and see whether it is indeed what you’re looking for. See you then. Best.

<사례 2> Thank you for the introduction. I would be happy to have you audit the class. I look forward to meeting you on Tuesday. I should arrive about 30 minutes before the class begins. I will either be in my office, room 226 or in the lecture room, 04.

<사례 3> It is a great pride to me that so distinguished a scholar and journalist as yourself would ask to audit my class. The class is very introductory, and I am not at all sure it will be worth your time. But it would please me to have you audit the class, and to participate in any other way that you feel would be useful to you. You are more like a teacher of this course than you are a student! I hope that you will be my guest for lunch for soon in the Duke Faculty Commons. Please do introduce yourself to me as soon as convenient, either at my office (Perkins 330) or at the class on Tuesday. I look forward to meeting you.

<사례 4> Professor Schroeder and I will be happy to have you audit ‘The Congress”.

<사례 5> You are ALWAYS welcome in my class! Come whenever you like…

지난 가을 학기와 봄 학기의 강의 시간표는 이렇게 담당 교수의 허락을 받은 과목을 중심으로 만든 겁니다. 물론 수강생이 정원을 초과했고 강의실이 좁다, 이 과목은 원칙적으로 청강을 허용하지 않는다며 거절한 교수도 있었죠.

<사례 1> Regrettably, my course is already oversubscribed, with 10 students on the wait list and only 30 seats in the classroom in which I teach. There is simply no room for any other students, fully enrolled or auditing, in the course.

<사례 2> Thank you for your interest in our courses. Your background and experience are very impressive and I hope you are enjoying your experience as a visiting scholar at Duke. I am very sorry, however, that Graduate School policy does not permit auditors in our courses. Among other reasons, the small size and interactive nature of the class makes it unfeasible to have auditors. However, Duke Continuing Education offers ESL courses taught by experienced ESL specialists that are open to anyone in the Duke community. A writing course is usually included in their offerings. A list of courses can be found at their website: http://learnmore.duke.edu. The local community colleges, Durham Technical Community College and Wake Technical Community College (in Raleigh) also offer a selection of ESL courses. I am sorry that we cannot accommodate you, but our classes are heavily oversubscribed as it is, and many regular graduate students will have to wait one or more semesters to be able to take them. I think one of the other local options will also serve your needs, though. Thank you for your interest.

비학위 과정의 연수생은 이렇게 교수의 양해를 얻은 과목을 중심으로 강의 시간표를 만들 수 밖에 없습니다. 나중에 듀크에서의 생활에 대해 자세히 얘기하겠지만 청강생이라도 대부분의 교수들이 관심을 갖고 친절히 대해 주더군요. Why don’t you try this way like me?